If it’s placed on the ground, right click it. If you are wearing it, press the “Open Backpack Key”. If you have the backpack in your hand, right click it. Backpack Utilitiesīackpack GUI: The backpack’s interface can be accessed in three ways: ✔️ The Hose lets you drink the contents of your backpacks tanks, for various effects. ✔️ Tools in the special tool slots render on the backpack. ✔️ You can deploy a sleeping bag from your backpack to sleep anywhere! ✔️ Some backpacks have special abilities, and because this is still in development, more will be added over time. ✔️ You can craft a Hose that will allow you to suck and spill fluids in the world. ✔️ You can rotate the tool in your hand with the tools stored in the green slots of your backpack if you sneak and roll the mouse wheel. They will keep their inventory when you die, are impervious to lava and fire, and have some neat abilities: A Machete, to traverse dense jungles faster. A matching hat that will make you look almost like that famous adventurer, Harrison Jones! *. Piston-powered boots, to jump higher and run faster. These are all great to keep an ample supply of liquids on you at all times. And the cow backpack fills with milk if you keep a steady supply of wheat in it’s inventory. There is also Melon backpacks with melon juice. Cactus Backpacks will fill the tanks with water either when it’s raining or if you’re in water with it. Three will fill with useful fluids depending on what you desire. There are several backpacks created by mixing items from plants or mobs. The rendering depends on the quantity, and the Hose lets you drink the contents of your backpacks tanks, for various effects.
The Adventure Backpack Mod adds Crafting Benches too! You can deploy a sleeping bag from your backpack to sleep anywhere! Tools in the special tool slots render on the backpack. Or you can just keep it on the ground like you would a chest.
You can wear the backpack by shift + left clicking the pack while it’s on the ground.
The packs allow you to craft on the go, sleep anywhere with a stored sleeping bag, fluid tanks, and of course, extra inventory space.
Adventure Backpack Mod adds 60 new amazing backpacks to Minecraft! It also gives the ability to store fluids in special tanks and to trigger special characteristics during gameplay. In the case of the Adventure Backpack mod, you would be wrong. Adventure Backpack Mod stays faithful to the original style of the game and everything can be crafted with vanilla items, it doesn’t depend on any other mod.