(Note: Copies of the original CAD files may be used, however they must have the same file names as the original CAD files). To open an NWF file, a Navisworks product is required, such as Manage (not Freedom), as well as access to the original CAD files. When you save to the NWF (Navisworks file format), you get a list with pointers to the files that are currently loaded and saved, along with the scene's environment, current view, clash results, and saved viewpoints (including redlines and comments). However, when you publish an NWD, you can specify metadata to be saved in the NWD, choose whether to omit model data from the NWD, add password protection, set an expiry date and most importantly make the NWD read-only so that it cannot be modified and resaved or even included in another NWD file. An NWD file is considered the complete file and can be opened in any Navisworks product and the Navisworks Freedom viewer.

This is known as publishing a Navisworks file and creates a ‘snapshot’ of the project file/data. When you save to a NWD (Navisworks file), all loaded models, the environment, current view and saved viewpoints (including redlines, comments etc) are all saved to a single file.